Illustration Friday sketch for this week. #Water
While you’re here. Please take the time to support Underneath the Juniper Tree Children’s Literature and Art Magazine by visiting this site and getting one of their Anthology 2012 Calendar, filled with beautiful art and creepy stories. If you haven’t read an issue yet, then you’re definitely missing out!
Click here to help out:
Short tasty bits
Underneath The Juniper Tree (UTJT) began in June, 2011. Since then we’ve been collecting a tasty smorgasbord of writing and artwork that tantalizes and terrifies children and adults alike. Our contributors range from children to adults, nobodies to somebodies and everything in between, all with the talent to scare us.
We would like to showcase these amazing writers and artists from all over the world by printing an anthology of our favourite pieces since UTJT set its roots.
We know it’s important for new creatives to have their work become a tangible piece of their passion that they can hold with pride. Please help us support the incredible work of these people in our 2011-2012 Anthology.