I’m excited to announce the book launch celebration for Mischief and Mayhem #1 Born to Be Bad. With the help of some great friends, I was able to set up three events happening in a couple of weeks. Two online events will be held at StoryTellerAcademy.com and KidsComicsUnite.com and an in-person event at Alternate Reality Comics (right here in Las Vegas, NV).

I’m also planning on a book giveaway for the online events and some free swag for the in-person event. Make sure to RSVP at their respective sites as soon as possible.
The next series of events will most likely be in the fall. I will be staying busy teaching a Comics Workshop at Storyteller Academy while working on Mischief and Mayhem Book 2.
Signed book pre-orders are still available at www.TheWritersBlock.org/Mischief
June 18, 9:30AM – 10:30AM PST
Pre-register (zoom link on the page): https://www.kidscomicsunite.com/events/kids-comics-launch-mischief-and-mayhem-by-ken-lamug

Looking forward to seeing you at the Launch!
June 16, 1PM – 2PM PST
Pre-register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZApf-CrqDsqE91Cn2UizwYyVmVhyx7J8h-0