I’m very excited to talk about a new project that I’m working on with my good friend Tom Vosicky, called “Ribbit and Snibbit”. He’s been telling me about this story for the past several years. The same story that he’s been telling his daughter every night before she goes to bed.
And with much excitement, Ribbit and Snibbit is finally coming into reality!
Ribbit and Snibbit is several hundred years into a post-human future where a certain few “talking” animals haveĀ survived. They have created a small community in a pond area near a military base protected by a barrier that they instinctively know not to cross. Every animal in their community has some sort of a responsibility and contribute to the world as a whole, they have a mayor, a teacher, clothes maker, etc…
But of those animals, Ribbit and Snibbit (the frog brothers) don’t seem to be doing anything to help out. They’d rather spend their time roaming beyond the protective borders and explore. And if you can already sense it, this spells trouble for the ponders and their quaint little community.
Some of the questions you might ask? How can these animals talk? What lies beyond the borders? And why is the Mayor Badger trying to plot a scheme against Rabbit?
There’s so much to the story, but I can’t reveal all of it here. You’re just going to have to wait until Tom get’s more of the story put together in a visual format. Once the web site is up and running, you’ll be able to consume lots of the good stuff there as well.
Check it out on facebook for now: https://www.facebook.com/ribbit.snibbit?ref=ts&fref=ts
Look at some of these concept art: