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Being late to the game (as usual), I just recently decided to pick up an Xbox 360. I downloaded some games, TV show apps, and finally purchased and finished my first game: Southpark – The Stick of Truth.

After binging on some RPG I needed a new fix, a platformer. But this time I wanted to play something that something my kids could also enjoy. Enter Rayman:Legends.

Besides the fun game play, it has beautifully illustrated characters and backgrounds. There’s enough levels to give the Rayman world an enjoyable variety and depth. As an artist, it’s actually very inspiring to play this game, which made me wonder why they don’t have an art book out.

Here’s a small selection of images I found online. You should view these in full size to appreciate them, but you should really play the game to see these wonderful characters come to life.

Instead of giving you reasons, I’ll let the pictures speak for themselves.

Get this on multiple gaming platforms: Rayman Legends on Amazon

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