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The simple illustrations are imaginative and often beautiful with eye-catching colors. The best thing about the book is the open ending with its invitation for young readers to fill their own boxes.

Looking for activities to fill a rainy day? A Box Story provides the perfect springboard for creative ways to turn an empty box into a work of art and a vehicle (both literally and figuratively) for the imagination. In A Box Story, a box can be a sailboat, a bed, or a repository for cherished memories. It can make you feel big or small; it can keep you safe or store your ideas. In A Box Story, a box is never empty, only waiting. The book concludes with a statement and a question: “Now, it’s your turn. What’s in your box?”

A Box Story is a misnomer because the book is more an illustrated list of possibilities than a story. Each two-page layout features a different use for the same box. It is this box that provides continuity throughout the book and ties the ideas together, rather than the book’s missing plot. The simple illustrations are imaginative and often beautiful with eye-catching colors. The best thing about the book is the open ending with its invitation for young readers to fill their own boxes.



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